St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Advent Study — Mon 7.30 PM & Wed after Healing service

Advent Study Gath­er­ings — Mondays 7.30 pm & Wed­nes­days after Morn­ing Tea: 

Come along for some lively dis­cus­sion and fel­low­ship on a Monday Evening. 

The study we are using for Advent dis­cus­sions is the Advent and Christ­mas “Sac­red Space Booklet”. 

Throughout the Advent sea­son, each day includes a Scrip­ture read­ing and points of reflec­tion, as well as a weekly top­ic enhanced by six steps of pray­er and reflec­tion. With its small size and mean­ing­ful mes­sage, Sac­red Space for Advent and the Christ­mas Sea­son is a simple way to build a rich­er rela­tion­ship with God and embrace the Advent sea­son as a sac­red space.