The pipe organ situated in Christ Church, now St Luke’s, is by Wordsworth and Maskell of Leeds, UK. It is the only example of the builders’ work in Australia and is therefore of national significance and is now a heritage-listed item.
The instrument was built in 1883 in Leeds and after being transported to Sydney was erected by local organ builders, Layton Brothers of Newtown. It was opened on 4 January 1884.
The organ was restored to full working order in 2011 following grants from the Heritage Council of New South Wales and Marrickville Council. A tax-deductible fund was set up and managed by OHTA (Organ Historical Trust of Australia). Dr Kelvin Hastie, OAM was appointed consultant for the restoration with Kathy Drummond the project manager.
The second stage of the restoration involved rediapering of the 31 façade pipes. The patterns on the pipes had previously been painted over to blend in with the church walls. They were restored to their original decorations by Lyell Rosenzweig of Tanunda (SA) and reinstalled in the organ in 2018.
The specification of the organ is:
Open Diapason 8 ft (56 pipes)
Stop’d Diapason 8 ft (56 pipes)
Gamba 8 ft (44 pipes) *
Dulciana (44 pipes) *
Principal 4 ft (56 pipes)
Harmonic Flute (56 pipes)
Mixture II ranks (112 pipes) +
Open Diapason 8 ft (56 pipes)
Lieblich Gedact 8 ft (56 pipes)
Keraulophon 8 ft (44 pipes) #
Principal 4 ft (56 pipes)
Harmonic Piccolo 2 ft (56 pipes)
Hautbois 8 ft (56 pipes)
Bourdon 16 ft (30 pipes)
Swell to Great
Great to Pedals
Swell to Pedals
Compass 56/30
Hitch-down Swell Pedal
Mechanical action throughout
Three composition pedals each to Great and Swell
* Common bass with Stopped Diapason
+ New 2010
# Common bass with Lieblich Gedact”

A more in depth history of the organ, organ builders, organists and organ blowers may be found in
A History of the Historic Wordsworth & Maskell Pipe Organ of 1883 St Luke’s Anglican Church Enmore. NSW published on the occasion of the completion of the restoration 2018.
The book, available from St Luke’s Church Office ($15), includes a short history of the church.
© Kathryn R Drummond & St Luke’s Anglican Church, Enmore. NSW Australia. 2018
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