St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Epiphany Pilgrimage – Sat 11 Jan, 2020

Annu­al Epi­phany Pil­grim­age to Leura -hos­ted by Lea and Don­ald at 22 Albert Street, Leura. 

Arrival time is 12 noon for Euchar­ist at 12.30 pm, fol­lowed by BBQ at 1 pm.

Please be reas­sured at this stage it is safe to ven­ture into the moun­tains.  More news updates will be avail­able via the broad­casts on radio and T.V.

 Food provided:
~ Pre-BBQ — anti­pasto plate fea­tur­ing, beet­root cured sal­mon gravlax plus some form of non-meat option, prob­ably a quiche of some sort.
~ Saus­ages, bar­be­cued spare-ribs mar­in­ated in sticky bour­bon mar­in­ade, ham baked on the bone with maple syr­up glaze and homemade Boston baked beans.
~ 5 salads ‑mango and black bean, baked pump­kin salad, potato salad, Tab­bouleh, and Greek Salad.
~ For dessert: mixed berry ter­rine and 3 homemade ice creams, being vanilla, chocol­ate, and jack­fruit ice cream.
~ Please note: if someone has a small spe­ci­al­ity salad or dessert that hasn’t already been provided, they are wel­come to bring it to share.
Drink provided:
~ soft drinks and juices, plus Tea and cof­fee.
~ BYO wine, beer or oth­er drinks.
Chairs : Please bring a fol­dup chair if you have one.
Trans­port from the Sta­tion:
~Train — 9:24am (usu­ally from Cent­ral’s plat­form 7), arriv­ing in Leura about 11:20am.
Be warned, how­ever, that there will be masses of tour­ists want­ing that train regard­less of the fires, etc, so it would be a wise course for people to secure their seats early.
~Trans­port from sta­tion to house:
1.        Lifts: Don­ald will drive to the sta­tion and wait (prob­ably in the kiss and ride park­ing area) for the 11:20 train. He can only accom­mod­ate 4 people.
2.        Taxi: (the rank is on the Katoomba side of the kiss and ride park­ing). The fare is usu­ally under $10 ($2 per per­son if 4 travel togeth­er.)
3.        Walk­ing: It is about a 20 minute walk.
Cross the Mall through its cent­ral nature strip. Walk back towards the city along Rail­way Pde which runs par­al­lel to the train line. Cross Grose St and pro­ceed to the next inter­sec­tion, Hartley Esp. There is a Cath­ol­ic church on that corner. Cross Hartley, walk past the church to the next inter­sec­tion. This is Black­heath Street. Turn right and walk down Black­heath Street through the traffic circle where it inter­sects with Mega­long St. Keep walk­ing to the next inter­sec­tion where Black­heath Street T’s into Crai­gend. Cross Crai­gend and do a little jog to the right into Albert. Walk up and slightly over the small hill to the house with the used-to-be white, now grey, drive­way. That is No. 22.
Please note:  The front door­bell does not work. Walk through the car port along the path which leads dir­ectly to the back garden where the BBQ will be.
Con­tact Details: 
~ The best option is to con­tact Lea via email, pri­or to day on
~ On the day, best to con­tact Don­ald — 0423 538 625