St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Reconciliation and journey of healing Eucharist.

Since 2005 the par­ish of St Luke’s Enmore has held an annu­al Recon­cili­ation and jour­ney of heal­ing Eucharist. 

Due to unforeseen circumstances this special Eucharistic celebration has re-scheduled to 1st October.

Incor­por­ated into our Sunday Euchar­ist, this ser­vice is a chance for us to acknow­ledge the tra­di­tion­al cus­todi­ans of the land on which St Luke’s is built, and to offer our pray­ers for Recon­cili­ation with the Indi­gen­ous people of Aus­tralia. Dur­ing this Jour­ney of Heal­ing we con­sider the con­nec­tion between Abori­gin­al people and the land, and we think about our own respons­ib­il­it­ies for Reconciliation. 

The Liturgy for our Recon­cili­ation Euchar­ist includes ele­ments of a Sorry Day liturgy developed in 2004 by the Nation­al Abori­gin­al and Torres Strait Islander Cath­ol­ic Coun­cil. In the place of the Ser­mon, we invite an Abori­gin­al Guest Speak­er to talk to us. 

This year our guest will be Pas­tor Ray Min­niecon, who is a des­cend­ant of the Kabi Kabi nation and the Gur­ang Gur­ang nation of South East Queens­land, the South Sea Islander people, with con­nec­tions to the people of Ambrym Island. 

Pas­tor Ray is the author of a very mov­ing pray­er, which has become known as the Red­fern Pray­er. He lives in Sydney and has ded­ic­ated his life to sup­port­ing mem­bers of the Stolen Gen­er­a­tions of Abori­gin­al people. He first vis­ited us a few years ago, and we look for­ward to this oppor­tun­ity to hear him speak again. It is good to meet old friends along our Jour­ney of Healing.

We urge you to invite fam­ily and friends to this import­ant out­reach activ­ity of our parish.