St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Women’s Reading Group — Starting back Wednesday 26th February

All women are invited to join our Read­ing Group which meets on the 4th Wed­nes­day of the month between 7.30 pm — 9pm, at Pau­line Newell’s home: 43/1 Coron­a­tion Ave, Peter­sham.  (Please note: Meet at the front gate by 7.20 pm as this is a secured entrance. )

A copy of the book­let is avail­able for $4, to cov­er the print­ing.  This set of stud­ies aims to encour­age con­sid­er­a­tion of the vari­ous roles that women have ful­filled with­in God’s gathered com­munity, both his­tor­ic­ally in the OT times and in NT time.  The con­tri­bu­tions that women have made and can make are open for discussion. 

Cop­ies are avail­able from the Par­ish Resource Centre for $4.00.