St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community


Wor­ship at St Luke’s is based around the Euchar­ist, also known as Holy Com­mu­nion or The Lord’s Supper.

St Lukes congregation
St Luke’s congregation

When we meet for wor­ship on Sunday morn­ings we sing, hear bible read­ings, a talk from the priest or spe­cial guest preach­er to help apply the bible read­ings to our lives, we pray for the world in all its needs, and then we gath­er to receive the bread and wine.

At our gath­er­ings the priest and his assist­ants wear tra­di­tion­al robes, there are candles on the altar, and we use A Pray­er Book for Aus­tralia for our liturgy (pray­ers). We are very tra­di­tion­al in that we also use incense and sanc­tu­ary bells. This tra­di­tion helps us in com­ing before God in “the beauty of holi­ness” to quote one of our hymns.

We aim to be very wel­com­ing towards all new­comers to help them get the most from our times of wor­ship as we come into God’s pres­ence togeth­er. We also provide a beau­ti­ful morn­ing tea after­wards if you can stay on afterwards.

Details of our wor­ship are as follows:


9:30 am Sung Euchar­ist every Sunday.

5pm Even­ing Ser­vice on 1st Sunday in the month.

Side Chapel at St Luke's Enmore
Side Chapel at St Luke’s Enmore


10.30 am in the St Augustine Chapel. There is also the offer of pray­ers for heal­ing at the con­clu­sion of this service.


December 2024

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