St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Notices — Sunday 16th February


Today: — Par­ish Coun­cil meet­ing after morn­ing tea.

Play Group @ Enmore – Monday from 10am to 12 Noon. For carers of young chil­dren.   For inform­a­tion phone Ian: Mob 0427 250 390. Please let oth­ers know about this group.

This Week: 2020 Cinema Para­diso – Sat­urday 22nd February

4 pm for 4.30pm in St Luke’s Church Hall. 

There will be wine & cheese, and a dis­cus­sion at intermission. 

The next film will be ‘The Jour­ney’ – In 2006, amidst the ongo­ing, dec­ades-long con­flict in North­ern Ire­land, deeply con­ser­vat­ive Brit­ish loy­al­ist Ian Pais­ley meets Mar­tin McGuiness, former Irish Repub­lic­an Army Lead­er, in an unex­pec­ted jour­ney across the Scot­tish coun­tryside.  This film, made a dec­ade after that meet­ing in the year of Brexit ref­er­en­dum per­haps has renewed poignancy and meaning.

  Next week: Sunday 23rd FebAnnu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing
Held after morn­ing tea.  This is the par­ish annu­al meet­ing and all parish­ion­ers should be inter­ested and are invited to attend.  If you can’t attend, please give your name as an apo­logy to any oth­er mem­ber of the con­greg­a­tion who may be attend­ing.  If you would like to be nom­in­ated for a pos­i­tion, forms are avail­able at the Par­ish Resources Centre table. 

Con­firm­a­tion — Sunday 23rd August: Bp Michael Stead will be here for con­firm­a­tion.  Any­one who is not con­firmed is invited to go through the pro­cess of pre­par­a­tion with Fr Jeff which will be a time of encour­age­ment and fun.  Please speak to Fr Jeff about this.  We do have a can­did­ate already.

Tues­day 25th Feb­ru­ary - Pan­cakes at the Rect­ory:  Fr Jeff and Michelle invite ALL parish­ion­ers to cel­eb­rate Shrove Tues­day with them at the Rect­ory start­ing at 6.30. p.m.  This gath­er­ing is held on the eve of Ash Wed­nes­day, the begin­ning of Lent.  The tra­di­tion holds that on this day the eggs, but­ter and fat was used to ensure it was all gone for Len­ten sea­son. … The tra­di­tion of cel­eb­rat­ing Shrove Tues­day and eat­ing pan­cakes began because people wanted to use up the tempt­ing food that they were giv­ing up for Lent.    Parish­ion­ers are invited to bring a top­ping, a savoury or sweet one and we’ll share the feast togeth­er.   If you are not a cook don’t worry.  There will be plenty to go around. Also, we will make the ashes from last year’s palm crosses (hope­fully with a little less drama than last year!)

Ashes for Ash Wed­nes­day - Please have a look at home for last year’s palm crosses.  It is these we burn to make the ashes for Ash Wednesday.

Ash Wed­nes­day Ser­vices – 26th Feb­ru­ary at 10am & 7.30pm.

Len­ten stud­ies — Start­ing Wed­nes­day 26th Feb­ru­ary (fol­low­ing service/morning tea) & Monday 2nd March at 7.30pm in the rect­ory: The study book “Where do we go from here?” is avail­able for free at the Par­ish Resource Table.  Please note: there are lim­ited cop­ies avail­able so please only take one if you intend to attend the Monday or Wed­nes­day study groups. 

Women’s Read­ing Group – Wed­nes­day 26th Feb­ru­ary: All women are invited to join our Read­ing Group which meets on the 4th Wed­nes­day of the month at Pau­line Newell’s home 43/1 Coron­a­tion, Ave Peter­sham.  Meet at the front gate by 7.20 pm at the secured entrance. A copy of the book­let is avail­able for $4, to cov­er the print­ing. This set of stud­ies aims to encour­age con­sid­er­a­tion of the vari­ous roles that women have ful­filled with­in God’s gathered com­munity, both his­tor­ic­ally in the OT times and in NT time.  The con­tri­bu­tions that women have made and can make are open for dis­cus­sion. Cop­ies are avail­able from the Par­ish Resource Centre for $4.00.

Len­ten quiet day — Sat­urday 7 March: The Sydney Mis­sion-Col­lege of the Oratory of the Good Shep­herd invites you to share in a day of pray­er and reflec­tion in the church and grounds of St John’s Bal­main (Spring Street, Birch­grove). The day begins with Morn­ing Pray­er at 10 am and ends after Even­ing Pray­er at 4.15 pm. The Rt Rev’d Lind­say Urwin OGS, Assist­ant Bish­op in the Dio­cese of Mel­bourne, will lead the day. There will be a Euchar­ist at mid­day, and oppor­tun­it­ies for private con­sulta­tion with Bish­op Lind­say. There is no charge for the day, but please bring your own pic­nic lunch. Tea and cof­fee will be provided. All are very welcome.

Wordsworth & Maskell Pipe Organ Recit­al — Sunday, 29th March 2020 at 3pm.

From Vienna to Enmore, accom­plished young Aus­trali­an organ­ist, Dav­id Rec­cia Chynoweth, per­forms works by J S Bach, Graeme Koehne and oth­ers on the 1883 Wordsworth & Maskell Pipe Organ here at St Luke’s Anglic­an Church.  Dav­id stud­ied in Frosinone, Italy, where in 2012, he was awar­ded a Dip­loma in Organ with dis­tinc­tion.  He was then accep­ted in the organ class at the Uni­ver­sity of Music and Per­form­ing Arts, Vienna, where he was awar­ded his Mas­ter of Music in Organ Per­form­ance.  From his cur­rent home in Italy, Dav­id con­tin­ues to per­form in Europe, Aus­tralia and the United States and is return­ing after his extens­ive and suc­cess­ful tour of Aus­tralia in 2018. This will be his only per­form­ance in Sydney this year.  Our her­it­age-lis­ted organ, con­sidered power­ful for its size, is a unique example of its kind in Aus­tralia.  This is its inaug­ur­al recit­al fol­low­ing the com­plete res­tor­a­tion of the instru­ment to its ori­gin­al high Vic­tori­an glory.  Cost:  $15 ($10 con­ces­sion) includ­ing pro­gramme notes.

Vivid Har­bour Lights Cruise – Thursday 4th June 2020

Thank you for con­firm­ing that you wish to join the St Luke’s Vivid Har­bour Lights Cruise this year.  Dis­count tick­ets are selling fast for:

Time:  6.45pm, board­ing Pünkt­lich at 6.15pm

Depar­ture:  from Darling Har­bour King Street Wharf 1, near the t‑intersection of Erskine and Lime Streets, Darling Har­bour (not the Barangaroo wharves)

Dur­a­tion:  one hour round-trip

Cost: $25 per adult (includes a $14 dis­count); prices for young per­sons and chil­dren to be con­firmed by the end of this month;

Pay­ment:  thank you if you have already paid.  Pay­ments in exact cash grate­fully accep­ted by Brett on Sunday, 23 Feb­ru­ary, dir­ect cred­it account details will be provided on that date

Amen­it­ies: bar on board with bar snacks, you can bring some food with you

Par­ish Office Days – please note that the par­ish office is now open on Monday, Wed­nes­day and Thursday only from 9am to 2pm.  The Office phone num­ber has been restored so you are able to con­tact Jen­nifer on 9557 4219 (or par­ish email address:

Food for our little friends — Don’t for­get to keep your cooked food scraps, fruit peel­ings, tea leaves and cof­fee grounds for the par­ish worm farms.  (No cit­rus, dairy or meat). 

Homemade curds, rel­ishes, pickles and jam - If you would like to order some, please email your order to Lea MacNeil ( and it will be delivered to the OpShop.  Also, any clean jars would be appre­ci­ated – lids not necessary.

Any notices for the ser­vice book­let will need to be sub­mit­ted to the Par­ish Office email by Wed­nes­day even­ing at the latest.

Read­ings for the com­ing week: 

Monday  James 1.1–11 Psalm 119.65–72 Mark 8.11–13
Tuesday  James 1.12–18 Psalm 94.12–19 Mark 8.14–21
Wednesday  James 1.19–27 Psalm 15  Mark 8.22–26
Thursday  James 2.1–9 Psalm 34.4–10 Mark 8.27–33
Friday  James 2.14–26 Psalm 112.1–6 Mark 8.34–9.1
Saturday  James 3.1–10 Psalm 12  Mark 9.2–13

Read­ings for Next Sunday: Last Sunday After Epi­phany – Trans­fig­ur­a­tion: First Read­ing: Exodus 24.12–18; Psalm: 2;  Second Read­ing: 2 Peter 1.16–21; and Gos­pel: Math­ew 17. 1–9

Pray­ers for the sick: Br Martyn Robin­son (CSBC); Kristen Har­ley; Steph­en Thur­ley; Andrew Reddy; Kev­in Tib­bey; Glen; Kiki Chun; Br Noel Jeffs (SSF); Anthony Brown; Edna Cham­bers; Br Michael Sam­inath­am (SSF); Sam George; Mary Middleton; Louise Middleton; Bar­bara Reyne; Car­ol Mann; Jen­nifer B; and Vic­tor­ia Keighery. 

Recently Depar­ted: Neville Brown (Stu­arts Grigg & ‘Tricia’s son-in-law).

Anniversar­ies of the Depar­ted: Bert Blatch; Nola Barr; Ivy Lawson; Eric Juer­gens; Edgar Fish­er; Mar­garet Turn­bull; and Kath­leen Rushton.

Saints Com­mem­or­a­tion: 17th: Holy Inno­cents; and 20th: Wil­li­am Grant Broughton, first Bish­op of Aus­tralia (d.1853).

Weekly Inter­ces­sions for our Com­munity:  Sunday: Math­i­as Oduro; Kath­er­ine Old­field; and Julie Olston & Phil­ippa Fre­drick­son;  Monday: Ann Petersen, Rachel & Wolf Winter; and Ramendra, Jo, Thomas & Lucy Raj;  Tues­day: Eddie, Susan, Stephanie, Edwin, Leil­ani, & Car­men Reddy;  Wed­nes­day: Joyce, Andrew, Rachel, Bianca, Belinda, & Bryson Reddy;  Thursday: John Reimer; Mat­ilda Rink­er & fam­ily; and Gra­hame Sadler; Fri­day: Ken Searle; Stu­art Veitch, Jo Bur­ton & Laurence; and Janet Walms­ley;  and Sat­urday: We pray for people liv­ing through or recov­er­ing from bush­fire, drought and flood­ing dev­ast­a­tion, across Aus­tralia.  Also, for every­one involved in the post bush­fire and flood­ing clean-up efforts, par­tic­u­larly those involved in sup­port­ing them includ­ing Fr Tim St Quintin (Army Reserve Chaplain).

Long Term Pas­tor­al Pray­er list: Rose­mary Brad­ford; Shir­ley, Bar­bara & Jade Allen; Beth Arm­strong; Ann Jeffs; Rhi­an­non Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Don­nell; Lyn Car­ring­ton; Ruth Cham­pi­on; Gary & Kar­en Stein­er-Hill; Ken­neth Bar­ongo; Pau­line Newell; Bar­bara Beec­roft; Ron­an & Veron­ica Nath; Sr Eliza­beth (SSC); Loch­lan Lones­bor­ough; Ann Con­nolly; the Per­kins Fam­ily; Fr Peter Carls­son; Day­alan Sam­inath­an; Grace & Han­nah Ashton; Vic­tor Any­ar­isi; Baby Anaisha, & her par­ents Anu & Digvi­jay; Robert & Lyn­dall; Kit & Ben; Hiro Itadini; and Br Wil­li­am (SSF).

Dis­cus­sion Ques­tions for Epi­phany 6 – from

  1. You shall fear the Lord your God; him alone you shall wor­ship; to him you shall hold fast, and by his name you shall swear.  Is it pos­sible we wor­ship oth­er things?  How can we avoid this?  (Deut 10:20)  [JP]
  2. Paul says the church is God’s field and build­ing? What do the images mean? What oth­ers fit? (1 Cor 3:9)
  3. What does the act of recon­cil­ing before offer­ing gifts mean for shar­ing the peace in wor­ship? (Matt 5:23–24)

This week’s Reflect & Con­nect ques­tions writ­ten by Beth Ann Gaede.

Lep­rosy Mis­sion Prayer

Almighty Fath­er, the giver of life and health, look mer­ci­fully on those who suf­fer from lep­rosy. Stretch out your hand to touch and heal them as Jesus did dur­ing his earthly life. Grant wis­dom and insight to those who are seek­ing the pre­ven­tion and cure of the dis­ease; give skill and sym­pathy to those who min­is­ter to the patients; reunite the sep­ar­ated with their fam­il­ies and friends; and inspire your people with the task set before The Lep­rosy Mis­sion, that it may nev­er lack either the staff or the means to carry on its heal­ing work, in accord­ance with your will, and to the glory of your holy name.  We ask this for the sake of Jesus Christ your Son, our Lord. Amen.