St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Sermons (Page 3)

The fol­low­ing ser­mons are lis­ted via date and preacher:

Sunday 12 January — Nouwen quote

Med­it­at­ive Quote used by Fr John Hawkins at St. Luke’s Enmore, 12th Janu­ary 2020 The voice of des­pair says, “I sin over and over again. After end­less prom­ises to myself and oth­ers to do bet­ter next time, I find myself back again in the old dark places. For­get about try­ing to change. I have tried for…

Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost

Ser­mon preached by Fr Jeff Park­er at St. Luke’s Enmore, 27th Octo­ber 2019 Joel 2:23–32; 2 Tim 4:6–8, 16–18; and Luke 18:15–30 What must I do to inher­it etern­al life?  This is a ques­tion Luke likes to put on the lips of vari­ous people in his stor­ies.  Earli­er, in Chapter 10, a law­yer on that occa­sion, asked…

All Saints DAY

Ser­mon preached by Fr Jeff Park­er at St. Luke’s Enmore, 3rd Novem­ber 2019 Daniel 7:1–3, 15–18; Psalm 149; Eph­esians 1:1:11–23; and Luke 6:20–31 Today, even though we haven’t been through a long and ser­i­ous invest­ig­a­tion into our past, our char­ac­ter and mir­acles we have per­formed, we cel­eb­rate our saint­hood. I like to remem­ber this by greet­ing oth­ers at…

Feast of St Francis

Ser­mon preached by Fr Jeff Park­er at St. Luke’s Enmore, 6th Octo­ber 2019 On this feast of St Fran­cis I am taken back in my ima­gin­a­tion to one of the most mem­or­able moments of my life, one that I had nev­er dreamed would hap­pen to me. This was in 2009 when Michelle and I were on an overseas…

The Best Book to read is…

The best book to read is… Ser­mon preached at St. Luke’s Enmore, Epi­phany 3, 27th Janu­ary 2019 Grow­ing up and attend­ing a Baptist Sunday School, one of the chor­uses we sang often had the words, ‘The best Book to read is the Bible X 2, if you read it every day it will help you on your…