St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Annual Epiphany Eucharist & BBQ in the Mountains

Annu­al Epi­phany Euchar­ist & BBQ in the Moun­tainsSat­urday, 6th February 

12 noon, approx., for Euchar­ist ser­vice then 1 p.m. for the barbecue.

Please note: Because of the pan­dem­ic, the bar­be­cue will have to be handled some­what dif­fer­ently this year:

The bar­be­cue is strictly RSVP. Because of social dis­tan­cing require­ments, the num­ber of people who can attend has to be strictly lim­ited to that we can safely house inside if there is rain on the day. Therefore:

If you are think­ing of attend­ing, please email me at on or before Sunday, 24th Janu­ary. It is very much a first up best dressed affair with your name being entered on a spread sheet in the order it comes in. I will also need con­tact details, email address prefer­ably, or phone num­ber, both to be able to con­firm with you your attend­ance and to be able to con­tact you in case everything has to be can­celled at the last minute.

There will be a hand san­it­a­tion sta­tion as you enter the prop­erty and oth­ers stra­tegic­ally placed for your use. Access to the sides and dessert table will not be the usu­al free-for-all of pre­vi­ous years but served by volun­teers (any­one will­ing to volun­teer?) to pre­vent cross-con­tam­in­a­tion. Also, access to the under­croft where the food will be served will be strictly lim­ited to just a few people at a time.

The bar­be­cue will be fully catered so no need to bring any­thing but your­self, a party­ing spir­it and sunny weath­er, if you can man­age it. It is also worth not­ing that if you want some­thing posh­er from the bar­be­cue than snags, you are at liberty to bring what you desire to be bar­be­cued for you, although there will be a good selec­tion of non-bar­be­cued and non-meat options on the sides table.  Also, bring a bottle of your favour­ite tipple if you wish to imbibe some­thing stronger than soft drink or juice.

Hop­ing for the best while plan­ning for the worse, we remain your gen­i­al hosts,

Lea MacNeil and Don­ald Thomas