St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Wardens’ Dinner — “Under the Stars” from 7pm

The War­dens’ Din­ner will take place out­doors in the car­park (which will be closed to cars).

The theme is “Under the Stars”.

Tick­ets are $20pp or $40 for a fam­ily (kids are free).

An “all you can eat” pizza din­ner will be provided, with wood fired piz­zas of diverse descrip­tions baked to order.  Soft drinks will also be provided.  BYO Wine.

Enter­tain­ment will be music and singing from newly formed folk-pop-jazz duo Jo Bur­ton and Rachel Hard­ing, with sup­port from Fabi­an on accor­di­on and the Clarke fam­ily band.

Don’t miss out on this one.

See Fabi­an LoS­chiavo ASAP for tick­ets!  EFT­pos available.