St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Sermons from 2019 (Page 2)

The Word became flesh, Christmas 2018

And the Word became flesh  Ser­mon preached on Christ­mas Day 2018, St. Luke’s Enmore. Read­ing: John 1. 1– 14. I sus­pect that most of us here this morn­ing have done a fair amount of shop­ping in recent days. Some shop­ping exper­i­ences are more mem­or­able that oth­ers. One that is embed­ded in my mind took place many…

Epiphany 2019, Overwhelmed with Joy

Over­whelmed with joy  Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Epi­phany Sunday, 6th. Janu­ary 2019 Read­ing: Mat­thew 2.1–12. Matthew’s story of the vis­it of the Wise men or Magi, as he calls them, has inspired count­less artists and poets through­out the cen­tur­ies. Although some mod­ern schol­ars like to dis­miss it as a pious legend it remains a power­ful narrative…

Rejoice in the Lord Always (Advent Three)

Rejoice in the Lord Always Ser­mon preached at Enmore, 3rd Sunday in Advent, 16th Decem­ber 2018 Read­ings: Zephaniah 3.14–20; Phil­ip­pi­ans 4.4–7; Luke 3.7–18 Tra­di­tion­ally, on the 3rd Sunday of Advent we emphas­ise the theme of joy. It is also known as Gaud­ete Sunday, from the Lat­in mean­ing ‘rejoice.’ Joy and rejoicing are prom­in­ent in our first…

In Those Days (Christmas Eve 2018)

In Those Days Christ­mas Eve Ser­mon, preached at Enmore, 2018. Read­ing: Luke 2.1–20 Liv­ing in a soci­ety that has made Christ­mas into a great com­mer­cial enter­prise it is not sur­pris­ing that many of us get to Christ­mas day feel­ing a little jaded. We have spent hours in shops buy­ing food and presents, we have been subjected…